Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

Another Thing to Love About the Duchess of Cambridge

I admit it.  I was anticipating Zara Phillips wedding to her longtime love because I was looking forward to the fashion choices that the Royals, Catherine in particular, would choose to wear for the second Royal wedding of the year.  They did not disappoint.

I was a little disappointed, however, to see that Catherine chose to wear the same outfit that she wore several years ago.  But, it makes me appreciate her a little more.  She, who can now afford to never wear the same outfit twice, is choosing to recycle her clothes like any ordinary person would do in life.  I love it!  It underscores the fact that she is an "ordinary" girl who got lucky and married her prince.

AND, may I add that "they" say that she also chose to recycle as to not upstage the bride.  How lovely and generous of heart, if true!  I know many a person in real life who wouldn't think twice about it.
What do you think about her choice of recycling clothes?  Do you think she should only wear an outfit once?

Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

A Friendship Tested

A friend, who shall remain nameless (and who I don't believe reads my blog), has been having an affair with a married man for nearly a year now.  It is not the first affair that she has had and just like the other one that I'm aware of, I disapprove.  I support and encourage all my single friends to find loving, committed relationships but I just cannot approve of one that is mired in infidelity and deceit.

The first affair she was involved in was when I was single.  I didn't disapprove but I never really approved of it either - perhaps I was indifferent.  I never met that boyfriend and I didn't really want to meet him.  This time around I'm married and I have a clear understanding of the sanctity of the marriage vow.
Now, I've met this guy.  He's nice, of course, but I'm not surprised.  A family man of sorts.  She says that he doesn't want to leave his wife because of the children - they have a child who requires a lot of attention because of some special emotional needs.  I kind of get that part.  But, I wonder if his wife would leave him, if she knew that her husband was having an affair.

There's one more thing.  This guy is the partner in a law firm.  A law firm where my friend is an associate.  No need to say anything more.  Right?!

I wonder why my friend gets involved in inappropriate relationships.  I think she needs therapy.

I'm not going apologize for the reasons why I can't be supportive.  In fact, I am very close to not wanting to be friends with her.  I don't think this relationship - the one with her boyfriend - is not going to end well.  While I wish her the best and I believe that she truly believes that he will leave his wife once the kids are out of high school, I can't standby and watch and support.

It makes me sick to think of the idea of Mark deceiving me like her boyfriend is deceiving his wife. His family.  I think that if he really loves my friend, he would let her go.  He would encourage her to find her way into an appropriate relationship or he would end his marriage now.

I wish that my friend would look in the mirror and find the self-respect to leave him.  She is an incredibly smart woman who deserves to find a man who can be present in their relationship 100% of the time.  I can't tell her that anymore.  She has closed her ears and eyes to it.  I have to let go.  I've definitely stepped back and it makes me sad but I need to do what I need to do.

Am I being too hard on my friend?  What would you do if you were in my position?

Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

When I Grow Up...

Astronaut, doctor, teacher, artist.  All of those plus more were professions that I thought I might grow up to be when I was little.

I had an odd interest in space when I was a kid.  It may have come from visiting the Smithsonian's Air and Space Museum so often when I was little.  I out glow in the dark stars on my bedroom ceiling and loved the movie The Right Stuff, which came out when I was 8 years old.  Yowza!  But, I hated math and science mostly because I struggled so much with it so that ruined my dreams for becoming an astronaut (or doctor or marine biologist or...).

My Montessori through sixth grade teachers were incredible people.  Each of those teachers left a lasting impression: Mrs. Knauf, Mrs. Lustig, Ms. Moody, etc.  They taught me that learning is fun.  I remember so much of my early days of schooling.  Almost all of my love of school came from those early years.  My dislike of school came from my later years in school.  For Montessori and elementary school, I went to an incredible school in Vienna, VA.  I learned Latin and French.  I learned about Ancient Rome and Egypt.  I bonded with the kids in our small class - friends who I remember still today but have not ever connected with (even with the advent of Facebook).  I wish I could send our future children to that school.  I think they would love it.  But, alas, I was not meant to be a teacher.  I love children but I don't love teaching.

The Arts - visual, literary and performing arts - have always been a huge part of my life.  I grew up playing the violin - through the Suzuki method.  Art history has always fascinated me because I was taught it starting very early.  I had nearly enough college credits to minor in it.  I took ballet when I was young child, was taken to the symphony on field trips and was read to from the start.  My mom and I would take trips together when I was in high school over Spring Break to New York and see musicals and shows like Les Miserables and Cats.  I will forever appreciate the people including my parents who instilled that passion in me and I hope to instill it in my future children too.  But, alas, I gave up the one talent that I had in the arts, playing the violin.  I guess I could take it up again but I think it would be terribly difficult.

Instead, here I am.  I'm still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up.  I have my freelance PR business and was doing a lot of volunteer work but I still need to figure my stuff out.  It is hard to grow up but I think it's about time to figure out what I want to do with my life.
Did you become what you wanted to be when you were little?

Selasa, 26 Juli 2011


As much as I love to travel and explore other countries, cities and cultures, when I'm at home in San Francisco, I am a homebody.  Literally.  I love to be at home.  I am a nester.  I love putzing around our apartment, organizing, cleaning, trying out new recipes, doing things around our house.


It doesn't take much for me to get outside especially when I know it is sunny and warm.  I'm eager to go hiking, go for a walk along Crissy Field or in the Marin headlands, see an exhibit at the museum but I really love being at home.  Living in California, there are a LOT of sunny days and so I'm always secretly excited for a rainy, yucky day so we can stay in.

It could be an effect of having traveled so much for work in the past.  There was a time when I literally lived out of my suitcase.  I'd travel for a few days, come home for a day or two and then hit the road again.  I didn't unpack my suitcase.  I'd take out the dirty clothes, do laundry and then put them back in again.  I never unpacked my toiletry/make-up bag because there was no point.  I wasn't able to cook because any food leftover would go bad in my fridge.  I'm so grateful not to live that kind of lifestyle.  I vow not to do it again.

Anyone else a homebody?

Senin, 25 Juli 2011

Fear of Aging

When I was younger, I couldn't wait to get older.  I thought that by 24 I would be married and have children.  Boy, was I wrong!  It wasn't until 10 years later that I was walking down the aisle.  During that decade, I worried that I was missing out on marriage, a family, a life.  But, I realized that I was gaining experience in the other paths that I chose for myself.  I wouldn't change a thing.  Those fears turned themselves into growing experiences.

Now, I fear getting older not because of myself and the dreams that I still have awaiting to be fulfilled but because of our parents.  Mark and I are both facing the hard facts that our parents are aging and dealing with health issues.  I feel like at our age, we should not be dealing with this but I know friends who have dealt with it much earlier than we.

There comes a point in our lives when we start to parent our parents.  It hasn't started yet when it comes to my parents - unless it has something to do with technology, I'll almost always get a call.  It was slowly happening with one of Mark's parents until this weekend when we got a HUGE wake up call where we faced a lot of fears and the unknown.  Fortunately, our crisis over the weekend was averted - after more anxiety than I've almost ever experienced and wish to ever experience, everyone is safe, healthy and unharmed.  But, we now know that it is time to start parenting one of our parents.

In our minds, we recognize this need but emotionally we want to go back to what it was before.


It is a delicate dance of supporting a parent in their need to maintain independence but yet ensuring their health and safety.  It is clear that there will always be a denial that the need for help by the parent is there.  And, I understand why that denial is there.  After decades of independence and responsibility of caring for one's children, the situation is reversing - perhaps more slowly in some situations and more quickly in others.

It is a devastating time for all parties involved.  I wish there was a road map to tell us how to navigate this journey but there isn't map.  Instead we'll rely on instinct and need.  And, we'll call in experts as needed.

I know that it will be a bumpy journey but I have faith that we'll get through the maze to the other side.  Hopefully with a little laughter along the way.  Just like the rest of life, I know that these fears will turn into growing experiences - ones that I know will bring me closer to Mark's family and to mine.

Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

A Delightful Dessert: Meringues

Earlier this year, one of our Supper Club themes was Alice in Wonderland.  I chose to bring dessert and wracked my brain and the Internet for ideas.  I ended up choosing a variety of desserts and one that I chose were meringues.  If you haven't eaten a meringue, they are very delicate "cookies" made simply.  I call them delicate because they are extremely light and airy.

I found this recipe online and much to my surprise they were simple to make.  Mine weren't as dry as I hoped but I blame it on the weather.  It was very damp and dry the day that I made them.  They were a hit still!  I served them with strawberries and fresh whipped cream.

I love them because of their light and airy texture and deliciously sweet taste.  It helps to know that they are low in calories!


  • 4 egg whites
  • 2 1/4 cups confectioners' sugar


  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees F (95 degrees C). Butter and flour a baking sheet.
  2. In a glass or metal bowl, whip egg whites until foamy using an electric mixer. Sprinkle in sugar a little at a time, while continuing to whip at medium speed. When the mixture becomes stiff and shiny like satin, stop mixing, and transfer the mixture to a large pastry bag. Pipe the meringue out onto the prepared baking sheet using a large round tip or star tip.
  3. Place the meringues in the oven and place a wooden spoon handle in the door to keep it from closing all the way. Bake for 3 hours, or until the meringues are dry, and can easily be removed from the pan. Allow cookies to cool completely before storing in an airtight container at room temperature.

Kamis, 21 Juli 2011

Heat Wave

There's a major heat wave covering most of this country (except for San Francisco, of course).  A large part of me is jealous because I would LOVE to take my laptop and work outside in the park but it's too chilly for me to sit and work - I'll definitely take a walk though.  Today's high temps in my neighborhood are 69 degrees and partly sunny.  Clearly, no heat wave here!

I've said this before and I'll say it again: Fall is my favorite time of the year.  I can't wait for fall!  Ummm...I could totally live in this house:

The sense of excitement of the new school year, fall clothes, the crumble of leaves as they change color and drop off the trees, the smell in the air.  Apple cider, apple picking, apple crisp, apple butter.  And, of course, my birthday is in the fall!

I look forward to fall's arrival even though it means the end of the summer.  But, I think that many people will be happy for the fall season to begin to get some relief from this heat wave!

What's your favorite season?

Rabu, 20 Juli 2011

Favorite Things: Summer Food

There's nothing better than fresh fruit in the summer.  I love everything from peaches, nectarines, pineapple, watermelon, all of the berries, plums, cherries.  You name it.  I love it.

The sweet juice that squirts out with the first bite makes my teeth tingle with excitement.  The bright colors draw me in.
Eaten alone, in a smoothie or a shake, with Greek yogurt as a snack or as a meal, I could eat fresh fruit all summer long for every single meal.  I wish we had a grill so that I could grill my fruit.  If we did, I would try grilling peaches using this recipe that I came across recently:


  • 4 not-too-ripe peaches, washed, halved and pitted (too ripe and they fall apart on the grill)
  • Balsamic vinegar, to taste, about a tablespoon
  • Brown sugar or honey, to taste
  • Light olive oil
  • 4 leaves fresh basil, chopped, optional
  • Ice cream (optional)


  1. Preheat grill
  2. Drizzle peaches with balsamic vinegar and then sprinkle liberally with brown sugar. (I like to do this about an hour before grilling so the flavors soak in, but they’ll be delicious either way.)
  3. Brush grill with a dab of oil. Place peach halves face-down on grill. Turn after 3 to 4 minutes, after they've given up the brightness in their color. Sprinkle flat side (now facing up) with more brown sugar. Remove after another couple of minutes, when they're soft all the way through when you poke them with a fork.
  4. Garnish with basil on and around peaches. Serve with ice cream or by themselves. 
What is your favorite summer food?

Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

Memories: Favorite Childhood Summer Vacation

I was and still am lucky to have a dad who was born in Austria.  Growing up, my father's company would give him and our family "home leave" every other year.  Home leave was time off about four weeks to go back to Austria.  So, we would spend about a month in Europe - mostly in Austria to visit with my grandparents.

I love Austria and always have.  Most likely because of spending so much time there when I was little.  I loved spending time with my grandparents - who I couldn't communicate with too well because I didn't speak German and they didn't speak English too well.  Regardless, I loved being with them and my family there.

Often, we would hop into the car or onto the train and head out of Vienna, where they lived (and where my parents currently live).  We would head up into the mountains for hiking or to one of the many lakes for boating and fishing.  Wherever we went the air was guaranteed to be fresh, the water either in the lake or flowing down the mountain from the snow melting was guaranteed to be cold and the food was guaranteed to be amazing.

These three main reasons were some of the deciding factor for me to push for Mark and I to get married in Austria and they came through!

When I was little, I really loved my stuffed dog, Doggie (who I still have).  I would take him everywhere with me.  I would put him in my backpack with his head sticking out so he could see where he was going.  There are pictures of me hiking in the Alps at age 4/5 without my shirt on with my backpack on my back and Doggie's head sticking out.  I still remember it!  I have a photo that I'll share one day if I can figure out how to scan it.

The food was amazing.  I fell in love with Orange Fanta (summer was the only time we were allowed to drink sodas), Austrian soup (goulash and rindsuppe - a beef broth with various fillings like noodles, etc.), wiener schnitzel, etc.  I adored the ice cream and the little wafer cookies served with them.  I honestly could eat Austrian food all the time.  I love it so much.

I also love being outdoors in the Austrian Alps.  The air, the sun, the hiking and other adventures.  My dad grew up doing all of those same outdoor activities and I am so glad that he introduced those to us.  My love for hiking in the Alps came from him and will always be because of him.

I'm incredibly fortunate to have the childhood vacations that I did.  When we got a little older, we rented sailboats and sailed on the Adriatic Sea and in the Mediterranean.  As much as I love those sailing memories, the memories of hiking with my parents, siblings and grandparents in the Austrian Alps hold a VERY special place in my heart.  I can't wait to take my own children to Austria during the summer and show them what I did growing up.

What is your favorite childhood summer vacation memory?

Senin, 18 Juli 2011

Favorite Things: Fashion

One of my best friends, Kady, was in town at the end of May and we did a lot of shopping one day.  She is the champion shopper and has great taste in fashion.  On her list of places to go was the Adriano Goldschmied store, which is a block or two from Union Square, here in San Francisco.

The store is located in what appears to me to be an old bank location with vaulted ceilings, marble floors and walls and a very sophisticated appearance.  Be sure to stop by if you're in SF (O'Farrell and Grant Streets).

I had heard of AG jeans before but I'd never tried any on until that afternoon.  I am so glad that I did because I'm now addicted for life.  The fit is perfect - even on my petite frame (they carry petite sizes) and the fabric they use for their denim is so soft.

I live in jeans these days and own multiple pairs of them including a pair of 7 for Mankind jeans that I got just three months ago, so I went out of the box from blue denim and purchased a pair of black Angelina jeans.

I wish my belly is this flat (Source)

Per usual post-jean purchase, I washed them when I got them home and took them to be altered in the length - all jeans are too long on me.  I adore them.  Since I got them back from the tailor, I would wear them every day if I knew that Mark wouldn't make fun of me.

They look great with flats and with heels.  I'm sure they look great with boots too but since summer is here, I haven't yet tried them though you can be sure I will come fall.

Is there a new purchase/brand that you've tried recently and love?

Jumat, 15 Juli 2011

The Great Pantyhose Debate: The Duchess of Cambridge

The Duchess of Cambridge is now known for her impeccable fashion taste and like her husband's fashion icon mother, Catherine will be watched, I mean scrutinized, for every outfit she wears publicly.  One of the great debates of late is her almost daily wear of sheer pantyhose.  (By the way, I hate that word: pantyhose).  I suspect that the Palace may require her to cover her legs out of modesty but there's no proof of that anywhere.  I would have a problem wearing them in the summer like she has and I can't imagine how hot and uncomfortable it might be for her.

I for one haven't worn any for years.  I can't remember truly the last time I wore a pair with the exception of tights but I think that those are in a different category.  As nice they make ones legs look, I could be persuaded to jump on board myself to start wearing them again especially in the fall when it is chilly but I'd still like to show my legs.

What is your stand on the great pantyhose debate?  Are you for them or against them?  Will the Duchess of Cambridge bring them back into style?

Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

Favorite Things: For Breakfast

While on vacation a couple of weeks ago, I started a new breakfast routine.  For some time now, I've wanted to better incorporate a protein into my first meal and I've struggled with it.  I've stuck mainly to toast or a toasted English muffin with peanut butter and preserves but I needed something a little more.

I wish I could have a croissant every morning...(Source)

In Hawaii, I started eating a soft-boiled egg with a daub of butter, salt and pepper with a piece of very lightly buttered toast and some fruit.  It is oh so good and fills me up until lunch!

Actually, truth be told, I ate this way while we were in Europe last year for our wedding and honeymoon.  I got out of the routine when we came back and school was in session.  I didn't have the time to fix this in the morning.  But, now that I'm at home, I have more time and I'm going to make the effort to eat a more balanced meal in the morning.

What's your breakfast routine?  How do you incorporate protein into your first meal of the day?

Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

What is Montessori?

Having spent the last two years volunteering in a Montessori school in a class with 3-5 year olds, I often struggled to explain the concept and philosophy of Montessori.  I found it a challenge because the traditional thought of education is so divergent from Maria Montessori's philosophy that those who haven't been in a Montessori classroom find it hard to believe and understand.

I came across this video and it cleverly explains Montessori that I wanted to share it with you.  I realize that Montessori does not resonate for all parents but I know my future kids will attend at least through kindergarten.  Enjoy!  I hope that it helps bring Montessori to light for you.

Selasa, 12 Juli 2011

Music to My Ears

It is high time that I update my iPod playlist.  I'm tired of the music that I have on it.  It probably hasn't been added to in at least six months.  How boring, right?!  It is sad especially because I have about $20 worth of music that could be purchased.


I LOVE listening to music but I'm severely deficient in the music area.  Luckily Mark is very interested in music and knows a lot because I always can use some more help.  Any suggestions?

Here are some of my favorite musicians/bands to get a sense of what I like:
I also love classical music from my days playing the violin.  I listen to it in the car so I'm less aggressive (seriously, it helps - try it).

What are you listening to that you think I should add to my playlist?!  I'm open to any and all ideas.  I love music but am terrible at figuring out what's new.

    Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

    Wedding Video Help!!!

    Nearly one year ago, Mark and I exchanged wedding vows in Hintertux, Austria - twice.  First in a civil ceremony in an old farmhouse followed a few hours later in a Catholic mass in an even older church.  Mark's brother-in-law kindly video recorded both ceremonies and some of the other fun wedding activities.  We were given the mini-DV cam tape (I think) and we have it.  BUT, we can't watch it or share it.  

    We need to find a way to get it moved to a CD or digital file so that we can actually use it.  Any ideas on how we can get this video transferred to a CD or digital file?  We would love to share these fun memories with our friends and family not at our special day.


    Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

    #Reverb11 - Trying Something New

    Reverb11's July prompt is to write about something new that I'm willing to try in July.  I just don't know.  In the past I've said that I would push myself to try spicier food.  I have - much to the delight of my husband who gets a kick out of watching me when my mouth is on fire (he does give me water but not before getting a good laugh).

    So, I've challenged myself to try something not just for July but something that I want to achieve every day through the end of the year.  I'm going to challenge myself to start following those new dietary guidelines put out by the USDA earlier this year.  I need to incorporate more vegetables and fruits and fewer grains (I love my carbs, what can I say?!).  My plate is probably about half carbs/grains, a quarter protein and a quarter vegetable/fruit.  It clearly needs to be altered.

    Funny how both of the challenges are food related for me?  Clearly, I love food.

    What is a challenge that you're willing to take on for the month of July?  Through the rest of 2011?!  Share your thoughts in the comment section.

    Selasa, 05 Juli 2011

    Restocking the Kitchen

    Mark and I just returned from some quiet time away - an early celebration of our first wedding anniversary.  I'll tell you more about our adventures another time.  For now, I thought I'd share with you one of my favorite rituals when I come back from time away from home: restocking my kitchen of the foods and drinks that we love and rely on each week.

     We each have our favorite foods and I like to take my time building a list of meals that I'll make for the coming week.  As much as I love eating out as often as possible during a holiday away, I truly miss cooking a satisfying meal for the two of us.

    Some of the must-haves on our list include:
    • Yogurt - Greek for me and various flavors for Mark
    • Milk
    • Juice - Mark calls me the juice monster because I love juice so much
    • Fruit - today I picked up strawberries, peaches, grapes and bananas
    • Vegetables - I always must have lettuces for salad, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.
    • Bread and crackers - today I picked up a loaf of buttermilk and French (for dinner tomorrow night)
    • Cheese - Manchego and cheddar - and Salami, so I can fix myself one of my favorite lunches
    • Organic chicken - I got leg and thigh pieces for one meal and whole legs for another meal that I'm making tonight
    • Canned tomatoes - both whole and diced
    • Fresh herbs - thyme (I have a pot of basil and rosemary in my kitchen, which is lovely but I sometimes need extras)
    • Garlic - I love to make fresh Italian pasta sauce and it requires a lot of garlic
    • Peanut butter - my husband would go nuts if we didn't have peanut butter in the house
    • Preserves - raspberry to go with the peanut butter!
    • Pasta - 'nuff said!
    What are the staples of your pantry and fridge?