Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

My Plan for World Domination

Last week there was an article on CNN.com about how America is the "no-vacation nation."  The article talks about how countries outside of the U.S. give employees many more than 2-3 weeks of vacation a year - and that time is happily given and approved without strings attached.  Having an Austrian father, who worked for a U.N. organization, I grew up having family vacations where we took 3-4 weeks off each summer to travel, often to Europe, plus at least a week over Christmas, etc.  My siblings and I were lucky.  As an adult, I wish that Mark and I had those types of vacation benefits.

During a walk along Crissy Field on Monday afternoon, I decided that I needed to come up with a plan for world domination so that I can implement a global vacation plan that works for everyone.

Wouldn't it be great if the entire globe took the month of August away from work and we all went on vacation?  Of course, it would require anyone working in the hospitality industry to show up for their jobs in order for my plan to work so I guess my plan really only benefits those in white collar jobs but this is my fantasy so it's OK.

My theory is that if EVERYONE took the month of August as a holiday than the global economy - other than tourism and hospitality - would be suspended and no one would be concerned about lost revenue, production, etc.  Why can't we implement this system?  (That's a rhetorical question...FYI).  Wouldn't it be great?!

Now, if only I can figure out how to take over the world...I think I need Lex Luther (but a super hero version not super villain version) on my side.

What would you do if you had world domination?

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