Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

Guilty Pleasure - an embarrassing admission

I love to hear gossip just like the next person but I tend to not pass it on.  I guess I'm the caboose of the gossip train.  Tell me it but I won't tell the next person.  Maybe that's why I'm so bad at the game telephone and why I would never be invited to be on The Real Housewives of San Francisco, if there were ever to be one.  I'd be the boring Housewife of San Francisco, who wouldn't be invited back after the first season.

I admit it.  I'm a HUGE sucker for some reality TV.  It is my guilty pleasure but I really need to get a new hobby.  In particular, I get sucked into the Real Housewives of [insert city].  Recently, I watched the "tell all" for Real Housewives of Orange County.  It truly was like watching a train wreck about to happen.  You know you shouldn't watch it but you can't peel your eyes away.

The "friendships" if you even want to call them friendships between these women make me want to cry.  I want to feel bad for them but I can't because they don't deserve my pity.  I also don't want to judge but I do.  The way each treats the other is so awful.  They are the true gossip queens.  Every single one of them talks about the other behind her back and every single one of them is nasty and rude both behind the others back and to her face.  I wonder if it is for show or if this is really how they behave in real life.  I truly hope that it is for the show and not how they treat each other in real life.

The saddest part of it for me is that I can't believe that I'm watching it and that it is watched by so many other people.  It is not the reflection of female friendship that I want put out in the public.  It is not the image of the United States that I think belongs on television.  It is all done in very poor taste but clearly makes for good TV watching.  These women, no matter how financially and materially wealthy that they appear to be on TV, are behaving as if they are uneducated, unrefined individuals who need lessons in proper manners and behavior.  I don't even behave in the slightest bit like they do behind close doors let alone in public (on TV nonetheless) like they.  It is so true that money does not buy class.  More often than not in the case of reality TV, the money takes away from the class.

OK.  I'm stepping off my soap box and going to find a way to make up for that lost hour of my life.  What do you think?  Am I wrong?  Do you watch terrible reality TV too?  What is your guilty pleasure?

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