Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

How Much is Too Much?

In this world of sharing online through Facebook, Twitter, blogs, there has got to be a line drawn that says that sharing "this" much is too much.  Yesterday's not too surprising revelation that Representative Anthony Weiner himself posted those inappropriate photos on Twitter is the perfect example of sharing too much.  There are other issues around this that I won't even start to get into here...(e.g., cheating on his wife, how dumb is he to think that no one but the intended recipient would see them, etc.).  But, I digress.

How much is too much? is something that I think about often.  If I were single and only had myself to consider, I would probably reveal a lot more about my life and myself on this blog.  But, since I'm married and need to consider the feelings of my husband as well as feel the need to maintain some sense of security and privacy, I withhold.  A lot.  However, I struggle with that choice.  I struggle because I know successful bloggers share a LOT of their personal lives and it would be fun to have a more successful, widely-read blog.  I struggle because I enjoy writing and writing about what is going on in my life.  So, how do I find balance between sharing enough to develop a relationship with my readers yet maintaining privacy?

I've come up with two possible ways:

1.  Write about experiences that have happened much earlier than appear
2.  Write about non-consequential experiences

But I struggle with the above too.  I don't feel authentic.  I want to be authentic and I want to be as real to myself as I am to my "in real life" friends but it is hard to balance.  It is something that I will continue to work on in my writing here and elsewhere.  It is something that I need to continue to think about on this journey.

What do you do?  How do you balance sharing your authentic self and maintaining a private life?  Is it possible?

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