Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

Lost Art of the Written Letter

At the post office the other day, I overheard a young man - probably about 18 years old - asking for help with his letter.  He was unsure how to address an envelope.  He told the nice older gentleman that it was his first letter.

I was stunned.  What on earth?  Has technology taken so far over our lives that no one sends letters anymore?
I love writing letters and I should do it more often.  I own personalized stationary and love sending notes when I think about it, which again should I should more frequently.  I miss it and I'm sad to hear that "young" people are no longer sending handwritten letters.

I was slightly appalled to hear that he didn't know how to address an envelope.  What?!  How is that he doesn't know how to address an envelope?  I learned how to do so in school.  In second or third grade.  I hope that he takes his real world lesson from the kind gentleman to heart and sends another letter soon.

When's the last time you wrote a letter?  Do you think that we've lost the art of letter writing?

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