Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

#Reverb11: Who Did You Meet?

I met and made some new friends in 2011 that I probably might not have if we hadn't moved to Seattle.  I also reconnected with a very special friend from my past who I might not have if it weren't for this move.  Isn't life funny like that sometimes?

Through a very good friend who lives in Philadelphia, I was connected with a friend of hers who moved to Seattle shortly before Mark and I.  Since we've been here, she and I have met for lunch a few times and are planning a double date with our husbands soon.  It's nice to have some commonality with her of our mutual friend but also to know that she and I really enjoy each others company.
A little more than ten years ago, I worked for a large global PR firm.  There I met and many friends with my colleagues, one of those women is a woman I was pretty friendly with at the time.  We spent time together socially and I was invited to her wedding though I was unable to attend for a reason I don't remember now.  She has since divorced from her husband and moved out West.  She and I have reconnected and spent some really good quality time together since my move.

There are others who I've met this year but these two stand out as they are a part of my new life here in Seattle.  It's hard to meet and make friends at this age - especially without kids - and it's nice to know that it is still possible!  I look forward to meeting more new friends in the coming years.

Who have you met in 2011?

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