Senin, 12 Desember 2011

A Cooking Tale...

First, there was the great cooking fiasco of August 2011 when I roasted a chicken and it never got hot enough to eat after 2.5 hours of cooking.  Mark and I were starving so we said screw it.  We had pizza for dinner that night.

Then, there was the great cooking fiasco of December 2011 last week when I tried a recipe from one of my favorite food bloggers, Eat Live Run, and we were ready to eat when I took a glass out of the cupboard and it stuck another glass and tiny shards of glass flew all across the kitchen including the two pots on the stove, which were bubbling away.  A TOTAL AND COMPLETE WASTE of what I know was going to be a delicious meal.  We ate pizza that night for dinner!

I think I'll attempt my recipe again sometime this week. I won't let one fiasco stop me!

As much as I love to cook and I humbly think I'm a pretty darn cook, I sometimes make mistakes and have terribly funny kitchen fiascoes.  What's the funniest or worst cooking fiasco that you've had in your kitchen?

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