Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

#Reverb11: What Do You Hope to Remember?

When I was 17 or 18 years old, my dad and I were having one of our "dates" and he said something that stuck with me.  He said to enjoy the time because with age time speeds up.  He's so right.  Time flies by so quickly these days.  I can't believe it is already December 7!

With how quickly the days speed by, I want to remember not just the fun memories but also the little things.  The little things often add up to the big ones that matter.

I see this everyday with how quickly Winston is growing.  We got him at 9 weeks and he's already 15 weeks old!  He changes everyday in little ways - both physically and with his little personality.

Hopefully, Mark and I will have kids in our future and I think that our future kid(s) will grow just as quickly and in even more exciting and better ways to document - hee hee.  In the meantime, whether it is enjoying Winston as a puppy or remember the time that Mark and I are taking to get to know our new hometown of Seattle, I hope that I can remember the little things and not just the big, monumental ones.

I try and try to remember the little memories that some of my family and friends have no problem remembering from childhood and I can't - the little details, the memories.  It doesn't bother me but I hope now that I'm older that I can make a point of remembering the little things!

What do you hope to remember?

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