Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

Facial Goodness and a Chemistry Lesson

I've had a lot of facials in my lifetime.  I actually often find them more relaxing than massages because I can truly relax.  My body isn't being pushed at a million different pressure points and I'm not being asked to flip.  With a facial, I can truly go into my own zone and not worry until my eyes are uncovered.  The facial that I had on Friday was not necessarily one of the most relaxing but it was one of the best for my skin.  Not only though did I get a facial, I also got a chemistry lesson.

A couple of months ago, I "won" a facial in a silent auction.  As part of my goal to relax more and do something each month to pamper myself, I scheduled the facial for last Friday (very close to the end of the month).  My last pampering effort was the beginning of March with a massage.

I made my appointment online with Andrew Scuola at Sync Spa in North Beach - one of two locations.  The process was so simple and I got an email confirmation that plugged right into my Outlook calendar.  How convenient!  I was also asked to bring the products that I use on my face along with me to my appointment.  Very curious!

Parking is an issue in North Beach, so I was pleased to know that the salon is located right next to a parking garage - and they validate $2 off, which isn't much but every little bit helps.  When I arrived, I was greeted and asked to wait.  Andrew soon came out and handed over some paperwork for me to complete.  It seemed pretty standard; however, my first clue that it was not going to be a typical facial was the question to list all of my skin care products.  Good thing I remembered to bring them!

Once the paperwork was complete, Andrew brought me back to a comfy couch outside the treatment room.  There, we sat and reviewed all of my answers.  Next up, he looked carefully at all of the ingredients in each of my skin care products.  He went into great detail about how one's skin reacts or doesn't react chemically to each of the ingredients.  What I took away from it was that 1) my sunscreen is really a lotion and 2) the molecules in my "fancy" face cream makes my skin feel really soft but nothing is being absorbed into my skin to properly hydrate it - unless my skin is prepared to receive hydration every product will just sit on top of it making it feel nice but not do anything useful.

Andrew said that he would decide on the best facial for me once he got a good look at my skin on the table - something that I truly appreciated since many esthaticians previously just give me the facial I sign up for not knowing anything about my skin.  The table that he had in his treatment room was divide.  I honestly could have used it as my bed.  The "bedding" was so soft and comfortable - I truly felt cocooned.

The facial itself was fantastic from start to finish.  When Andrew did the extractions, I barely felt a thing.  If I ever need an extraction again on my face, I know who to go to.  There was no pinching or pulling of my face.  He treated my face and skin like they were the most delicate flowers on the planet.  Seriously, I've never had such lovely hands make my face feel so wonderful.  Andrew walked through each step when necessary - quietly letting me know if I should expect any tingling or sensation - otherwise was quiet.
After the facial was over, he walked me through his full analysis of my skin and pulled some products that he though would be good for my skin.  I asked him how often he recommended a facial - most estheticians recommend once a month - and was surprised by his response.  He said that he wanted me to follow my new skin care routine for a month and then come back.  After that follow-up session, he probably would not need to see me for another 3-6 months.  How happy was my wallet?!

My skin felt divine the rest of the day and the next day.  The true test after a facial is how lovely my skin feels in the subsequent days.  Having followed his recommended regimen, it is now four days out and my skin still feels soft and supple.  Some of the surface changes that I want to change are still there but Andrew says that it will take a few weeks/months for some of those to become noticeable (e.g., sun/age spots, etc.).  Time will tell.

For now, I am happily sticking to this new skin care regimen and I'll see Andrew in about a month again.

If you live in the Bay Area and are seeking a new facialist, I highly recommend Andrew.  Visit his website here.  Also, he is running a referral special right now:

Get $25 off any in-spa products purchased at the time of your first treatment.  To get your $25 discount, make an appointment online, mention my name (Michelle Landwehr) as a referral and you will get this discount at the time of your appointment.  Then, please send me a message and let me know that you have an appointment scheduled so I can follow up and credit for the referral.  This promotion is only valid through June 2011.


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