Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

NaBloPoMo: If Your LIfe Flashed In Front of Your Eyes: What Five Moments from Life Are Included

Even though I'm not participating in the October National Blog Posting Month, I like the prompt for today: If my life flashed before my eyes, what five moments would be included?

1. I don't remember a single thing from it but the moment when I was adopted by my mom and Dad from Thailand - my life would be incredibly different if I weren't adopted.
2.  The day that I received my "doggie" when I was a very little girl.  I've loved my stuffed dog ever since and on occasion I still sleep with him tucked under my arm at night.
3.  Walking up the aisle with my new husband next to me and starting a new life, adventure and journey.
4.  Even though it didn't directly affect me it has had an impact on my life, September 11, 2001 is a day that I will never forget.
5. The day that I got on an airplane on August 4, 2007 and moved myself across the country from DC to San Francisco.  I was on my own and making a major life change.  It was one of the best decisions that I made for myself and I'm so glad that I did.  If I hadn't, I wouldn't be married to Mark and I wouldn't have the amazing and on its way to being very successful PR consulting business.

What are your five moments?

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