Jumat, 23 September 2011

Geoge Clooney Gets Married?!

OK.  So, not really!  I'm busy getting packed - the movers show up tomorrow morning but I can't not take the time to post this commercial....

I love the look on her face through the entire thing especially when she sees who she's married!

Hope you all have a great weekend and see you when I'm settled in Seattle!

Rabu, 21 September 2011

Making New Friends

In 2007, when I first moved to San Francisco, I was lucky.  I had a boyfriend who had a very large group of wonderful friends.  I was taken into the fold.  But after our relationship ended, I was uncomfortable being around that group of people.  I had to make my own way and meet new friends on my own.

San Francisco is an interesting town.  The people are nice and it is a town full of transients.  But the groups of friends are quite clique-y.  It can be tough.

Now, after being here a little more than four years, I have my small group of wonderful friends.  I admit that the past year has been a challenge.  I've been more focused on being a newlywed and dealing with other personal things than spending time with my girlfriends.  But, as I've been saying goodbye to the people who have been a part of my life for the better part of the last four years, I'm going to miss them and I hope that my friendship with them will continue over the distance.

While I still make my marriage a priority, I know that being proactive after we move to Seattle will be important for me to making new friends and meeting new people.  I don't work in a traditional sense by going to an office nor do we have children, where I would be in situations where I have the chance to meet new people, so I need to be extra outgoing and make the opportunities to meet new people.

I think it's a lot harder to meet and make new friends at this age.  Most people either have their set of friends already well established or they have children and are deeply involved in their lives.  So, I have a plan and I hope it works!

Our apartment building has a gym in it so we don't have to join a gym but I might find a yoga, pilates or other exercise class that I want to take.  I also plan to sign up for a different sort of class - I haven't yet decided if it will be a creative writing class or an art class.  I love to write and took a creative writing class a few years ago, here in SF.  When I was in high school and college, I took a number of drawing and painting classes and loved them.  My options are wide open and I'm excited!

I'm ready to meet and create a group of new wonderful, women friends! I know that it will take time but I hope in the coming years, I'll be able to create a circle of friends who know each other as well as the girls from Sex and the City (maybe that dream is unrealistic?)!
If you have moved to a new city, how did you make your new friends - outside of work and school?  Any tips you can share?

Selasa, 20 September 2011

Free Ice Cream for a Cause

I won't be around to partake in San Francisco but I thought I'd pass the chance to have free ice cream along to my lovely friends and readers next week!

On Tuesday, Sept. 27th Cold Stone Creamery and the Make-A-Wish Foundation are inviting everyone to take part in the 10th Annual World's Largest Ice Cream Social. From 5-8 p.m., all Cold Stone locations will be giving away a FREE 3-ounce portion of the Sprinkled with Wishes Creation, Sweet Cream Ice Cream mixed with Brownie, Rainbow Sprinkles and Fudge. 


When you get your free ice cream, make a donation to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.  The Make-A-Wish Foundation is a special place in my heart as it brings a lot of joy to the lives of young friends who are living with cancer and their families.

Additionally, throughout the entire month of September, every Cold Stone store nationwide will sell paper wish stars for $1 each to help raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

This is the 10th year Cold Stone Creamery has supported the Make-A-Wish Foundation and they have raised over $4 million to help change the lives of children with life-threatening medical conditions. 

Everyone is encouraged to make a donation to ensure that the 10th annual ice cream social is the most successful yet.

Even though I will be road tripping up to our new home in Seattle, I'll try and find a Cold Stone Creamery and make my donation next Tuesday!

Kamis, 15 September 2011

Hello from Seattle!

I really think that we're going to LOVE it here!

After a day and a half of house hunting (actually apartment/house/condo), I found us an apartment that I think is going to work out brilliantly.  It is in a great part of town a little north of downtown Seattle.  One of the biggest selling points is that we are able to sign a six month lease and the rent is incredible for a two-bedroom - while most of the other places I looked at were much nicer, it is really great to have a short-term lease.
I go tomorrow to sign the final paperwork and give our deposit, etc.

It's incredible here and I'm so excited about our move.

The one strange thing is the way the streets are in some neighborhoods with very few stop signs.  I think I need a driving manual for how to drive in Seattle.  Any driving tips?!

Selasa, 13 September 2011

A Rattle in my Ring

A couple of weeks ago, I had my wedding and engagement rings cleaned at the jeweler where they were purchased.  They were also checked to make sure none of the diamonds were loose.

Last week, I noticed my engagement ring had a rattle to it. So I took it to the jeweler and got it fixed.  As a perk they cleaned it for me!  He said that it was a good thing that I came and got it fixed but not to worry because the center stone and the design is created so in order for the stone to fall out the entire ring would have to be broken.  Whew!  Knock-on-wood, I don't plan to break my ring.  But, I'm glad to have gotten it fixed!

Similar to but NOT my engagement ring (I think mine's more beautiful!) [Source]

I'm so glad that I noticed because I'd be so sad if I lost the stone.  My mom gave me a sapphire ring for my 30th birthday that I believe my dad gave to her on her birthday.  I had the ring sized and cleaned and about three weeks later when I was on the road for work (in Texas, I remember!), I sat down on the airplane, looked down and noticed that the center stone was missing.  I was devastated and cried.  I was so embarrassed.  I was sitting next to a sports reporter for the Washington Post and he was super nice to me about it but embarrassed nonetheless.  The stone was never found.  Fortunately, the ring was insured AND because it had just been "serviced" the sapphire was replaced at the expense of the jeweler who had sized and cleaned it.  I'm glad that it worked out but I was still so sad.

Have you ever lost any of your stones from any of your rings?

Up Early

I hate waking up before my alarm goes off and this morning was one of those times.  I woke up about an hour and a half before it was set to wake me up.  I'm going to blame it on my husband.  He woke up and it woke me up and because there is so much going on my mind almost immediately started to go.

We're moving to Seattle in 11 days.  Our house is a mess with boxes, packaging paper and bubble wrap strewn all over the place.  I'm trying to find homes for our plants - two of our three plants have found homes and someone is coming today to pick up our last, a Madagascar Dragon Tree that touches our ceiling.    I'm glad that they have new homes - homes where they will be taken care of well, I hope!


I fly up to Seattle tomorrow to find a new home for us to move into for six months to a year while we choose which neighborhood where we want to put down our roots.  I have about one appointment an hour with a mix of both single family homes and large apartment buildings during the two and a half days that I'm in the Pacific Northwest.  I'm hopeful that I'll find a new home for us while I'm up there.  If not, we'll stick our things in Storage and then stay in even more temporary housing.

This is the second major move of my life - the first being when I moved to San Francisco from Washington, DC in August 2007.  The last time, I was moving because I needed a change in my life and because there was a boyfriend in my life who lived here.  This time, I'm moving for a life change but with the love of my life.  We're moving because it is ridiculously expensive here in San Francisco.  The cost of living difference in Seattle is about 30% less than SF - and there's no state income tax, which I'm super excited about for some reason.

Yes, it rains in Seattle.  It rains a lot.  But, it means that I get to buy a new pair of Hunter boots and a new rain jacket!  Rain has never stopped Mark and me from doing an activity outside though.  With so much to explore in Seattle and its surrounding areas, we are going to have a lot of adventures ahead of us.

We are very excited!

So, with much to do, I'm kind of glad that I'm up early!  I can get more done.

Happy day wishes to everyone!

Jumat, 09 September 2011

Remembering September 11, 2001: 10 years later

September 11, 2001 was a day that no one will ever forget and on its 10th anniversary, as we all prepare to remember it on Sunday, I can't let it pass without comment.  It certainly is one of the most prominent (and not in a good way) days in my life to date.  I hope that it remains this way - that nothing more tragic will ever happen to our country again.

I was living in DC at the time and worked two blocks from the White House.  I was getting hot chocolate (my morning routine) from the kitchen in my office and stood with colleagues in front of The Today Show.  The first plane had already hit the first World Trade Tower and right then watching TV, I saw the second plane hit.  I remember thinking that it looked like a small, private plane.  Boy was I wrong.  Just moments later the fire alarm in the building went off.  I grabbed my purse and took off down the stairs.  I've never left a building during a fire alarm before but that morning my instinct was to flee.  Ever since that day, when a fire alarm goes off, I leave the building until it is confirmed as a drill or safe.

Outside, a perfectly perfect Fall day in September with clear blue skies, the energy of the city was amped up.  People were in a panic.  Rumors were flying through the streets.  The State Department is on fire.  There are bombs going off on the Mall.  A plane has hit the Pentagon - clearly NOT a rumor.  More planes are on their way to DC to hit the White House.  The Capitol.

A tourist with her kids in a stroller stopped me - confused.  She didn't know what to do.  I didn't know what to say.  So I said, go back to your hotel.  She told me her hotel was on Capitol Hill.  I shrugged my shoulders and said I don't know and good luck.

My cell phone wasn't working and so I found the closest pay phone that I could find and called my mom and my boyfriend at the time.  I walked to my boyfriend's office, which was about a 10 or so block walk.  On the way, I noticed military jeeps and Humvees with large weapons posted on nearly every or every other block.  I have no idea where they came from or how they got there so quickly.  The streets were buzzing with people walking/running/scurrying frantically to get home.  To find their loved ones.  To feel safe.

Luckily, my boyfriend and I were able to catch a cab who took us to my apartment - he took back roads and avoided the dead still traffic of people trying to escape from the city.  The radio was on and we heard the sound of the first Tower fall.  I don't think I grasped the magnitude of this moment until later when we got home and turned on the television.

Moments after we got home, we watched the TV in stunned silence as the second Tower fell just a minute before 10am.  

After some time watching the horrifying events, I couldn't take it anymore.  I needed to get out of the house and away from the TV.  So we went for a walk down Connecticut Avenue, which is one of the largest streets in DC.  It was deserted.  I had never heard or seen DC so quiet.  So still.  No cars.  No planes.  Just nature as if we were in the woods on a hike.

Occasionally there was the sound of a fighter jet as they were crisscrossing the skies in protection but there was hardly any other noise.  Nearly every shop, restaurant and business was shuttered closed.  The exception, an independent bookstore up the street was open.  We went in and a handful of people were inside.  A small TV on in the corner with the running broadcast of the events of the day.

For months after September 11, I and many of my friends and colleagues lived in fear.  It was a post-traumatic syndrome effect of sorts.  Even though we were not directly harmed the sound of sirens and other "things" that I can't remember were startling and nerve-wracking.  We were waiting for something more.

I don't personally know anyone who died in the attacks though I have friends and family who do.  Like everyone in this country who was old enough to know what happened that day I will never forget it.  I will never forget how the events of a single day changed the way we live our lives.


Ten years later the memories of this day are still fresh in my mind though some of the small details have been forgotten.  My heart goes out to those who lost their loved ones and I hope that while their loves ones are not forgotten that they have been able to find peace and a new life filled with a different kind of happiness.

Kamis, 08 September 2011

It's Like Final Exam Season

We're getting ready for a big house move in about two and a half weeks.  It is expected but unexpected and so I feel very stressed.  It's like final exam and last paper time.  When you're cramming and studying so hard yet procrastinating.  You wonder how on earth it will all come together but it does.

Everything will get done.  All the pieces will fall into place.  And once it is over, we will breath a deep sigh of relief and sit back and relax.


I had promised myself that I would write daily here but I don't know if I'll be able to with this crazy move.  I'll do my best especially since I committed to participating in the September National Blog Posting Month but we'll just have to see.  My priorities have shifted.

Rabu, 07 September 2011

Laughing Out Loud

How often do you laugh out loud?  I mean really laugh out loud?

I think that I do it at least two or three times a day.  Mark cracks me up.  I'm so lucky to have found a man who brings a smile to my lips and a belly laugh at least two or three times each day.  But I can also crack myself up.

When I broke my foot in 2009, I had a bit to drink with friends out one night and came home with a very full bladder.  At the time, I lived at the top floor of a walk up building (ie, no elevator).  It took me quite a while to get up the stairs with a non-weight bearing injury (meaning that I could not put any weight on that foot/leg).  By the time I got to the top floor, I was laughing so hard at myself that I wet my pants, which made ma laugh at myself even more.

Mark is determined to make me laugh so hard that I wet my pants.  He thinks that if I can crack myself up so hard I wet my pants that he can too.  We'll see about that one!

Now, I have never wet my pants since and I don't plan to anytime soon but who knows.  I think that if I wet my pants from laughing so hard or if I'm laughing so hard that tears run down my face it's a very good day!

What is your funniest moment?  What makes you laugh out loud?

Selasa, 06 September 2011

Looking for the Light In the Dark

There are days that seem darker than lighter - metaphorically - for me lately.  When there is more darkness than light I try to find the good.  The positive.  The happy.  The things that make me smile.

Like my husband sneaking into the kitchen when the dishwasher is finished running and quietly emptying it.  Lifting items as quietly as he can and putting them away so that I don't have to do it and so I won't know - but I do and I let him.

Like when the driver of a car rapidly approaching me as I prepare to cross a street suddenly slows down and lets me cross without worry.

Like when the old man in the grocery store moves his cart out of my way and asks me how I'm doing.

Like when an old friend reaches out unexpectedly.

Like when a happy song comes on the radio and it makes me smile.

My life is not tough.  It is not rough.  There are way more good than bad.  I'm lucky and I'm grateful.  So when there is some darkness I just need to breath my way through it and know the light is just around the corner again.

Senin, 05 September 2011

Sabtu, 03 September 2011

Five Reasons to Love Three-Day Weekends

1.  Three (Saturday, Sunday AND Monday) sleeping in opportunities
2.  More chances to eat out
3.  Pretty much two Saturdays (real Saturday and second Saturday aka Sunday)
4.  More outdoor time
5.  Extra time with my husband!! 

These are my top five reasons for loving three-day weekends.  What are your reasons to love long weekends?

Jumat, 02 September 2011

I Don't Know How She Does It

I read the book by Allison Pearson many years ago and I loved it.  It is New York, working mom chick lit at its best and I'm so excited that it has been turned into a movie with one of my favorite Sex and the City stars, Sarah Jessica Parker!  It releases in about two weeks and I can't wait!  This will be one where I leave my husband at home.

The film also features one of my new favorite actresses Busy Phillips, who cracks me up!

I definitely recommend the book (not sure if you need to read it before you see the movie though).

Kamis, 01 September 2011

Unofficial Start to Fall

While the first day of Fall doesn't start until September 23, I always feel like the first of September with the impending approach of Labor Day weekend is the unofficial start of Fall.  When I was in school, it meant that school either just started or was just about to start.  And to me, the start of school means the start of Fall.


Fall is truly one of my favorite seasons.  I've written about it here and here.  I can't help myself.  There is something exciting about Fall to me.  While Spring is a season of new beginnings with new tree buds, flowers blooming, new farm animals being born, Fall to me is also the start of a new beginning.  The start of a new school year.  As much as I rebelled in high school, something must have been ingrained in me through a love for school when I was much younger that brings joy in the start of Fall.

Happy September 1!

Do you love Fall as much as I do?  Do you consider September the start to a new year even if you're not in school anymore?