Selasa, 13 September 2011

Up Early

I hate waking up before my alarm goes off and this morning was one of those times.  I woke up about an hour and a half before it was set to wake me up.  I'm going to blame it on my husband.  He woke up and it woke me up and because there is so much going on my mind almost immediately started to go.

We're moving to Seattle in 11 days.  Our house is a mess with boxes, packaging paper and bubble wrap strewn all over the place.  I'm trying to find homes for our plants - two of our three plants have found homes and someone is coming today to pick up our last, a Madagascar Dragon Tree that touches our ceiling.    I'm glad that they have new homes - homes where they will be taken care of well, I hope!


I fly up to Seattle tomorrow to find a new home for us to move into for six months to a year while we choose which neighborhood where we want to put down our roots.  I have about one appointment an hour with a mix of both single family homes and large apartment buildings during the two and a half days that I'm in the Pacific Northwest.  I'm hopeful that I'll find a new home for us while I'm up there.  If not, we'll stick our things in Storage and then stay in even more temporary housing.

This is the second major move of my life - the first being when I moved to San Francisco from Washington, DC in August 2007.  The last time, I was moving because I needed a change in my life and because there was a boyfriend in my life who lived here.  This time, I'm moving for a life change but with the love of my life.  We're moving because it is ridiculously expensive here in San Francisco.  The cost of living difference in Seattle is about 30% less than SF - and there's no state income tax, which I'm super excited about for some reason.

Yes, it rains in Seattle.  It rains a lot.  But, it means that I get to buy a new pair of Hunter boots and a new rain jacket!  Rain has never stopped Mark and me from doing an activity outside though.  With so much to explore in Seattle and its surrounding areas, we are going to have a lot of adventures ahead of us.

We are very excited!

So, with much to do, I'm kind of glad that I'm up early!  I can get more done.

Happy day wishes to everyone!

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